Endless legend汪苏泷三国杀英文版歌词

Endless legend  时间:2022-02-05  阅读:()


Legend (三国杀英文版) Verse 1: From the heaven guide my way , kill the devil feel so great Show no mercy what you say ,light up land that we have lived Put on jacket dash away, fighting is your destiny No words to say, no one to blame Believe that you can let us free Chorus: Defeat the ghost, pick up the soul No matter where you have to go e so strong, the strength of sun You are the trident beat them down Defeat the ghost, pick up the soul Kind of a magic that you know You are forever legend on the battlefield (Defeat the ghost, pick up the soul Tell me where you go Kind of a magic, endless battle Forever legend yo~) Verse 2: From the heaven guide my way , kill the devil feel so great Show no mercy what you say ,light up land that we have lived Put on jacket dash away, fighting is your destiny No words to say, no one to blame Believe that you can let us free Chorus: Defeat the ghost, pick up the soul No matter where you have to go e so strong, the strength of sun You are the trident beat them down Defeat the ghost, pick up the soul Kind of a magic that you know You are forever legend on the battlefield With the sword in you hand, blade’s so sharp, holy land is not so far You gonna put it in heart,then take power ,can’t oh~ Chorus: Defeat the ghost, pick up the soul No matter where you have to go e so strong, the strength of sun You are the trident beat them down Defeat the ghost, pick up the soul Kind of a magic that you know You are forever legend on the battlefield You are forever legend on the battlefield


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