
tingchina  时间:2022-02-02  阅读:()


Zhixin High School (执信中学), located in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou (Canton), was founded in 1921 by Sun Yat-sen in memorial of rade, the democratic fighter Zhu Zhixin (朱执信), who was killed in action in a battle at Hu Men, Canton, at the age of 35. In the school campus, a symbolic tomb was built for Mr. Zhu. Since its birth, the school had been one of the most prestigious high schools in the country and had seen the graduation of many outstanding alumni over the years. History 1921-1927, Zhixin Private School 1928, renamed to Zhixin Girls Private High School 1943, renamed to Zhixin Girls Public High School 1953, renamed to No. 1 Girls High School of Guangzhou 1969, renamed No. 55 High School of Guangzhou During the Cultural Revolution, Zhixin was renamed to "Red Girls School" 1978 - present, Guangzhou Zhixin High School Early Board Members Jin Zeng Cheng, Wang Jingwei, Hu Hanmin, Lin Sun, Liao Zhongkai, Wu Chaoxu, Xu Chongqing, Zhou Lu, Chen Bijun, Li Shizeng, Wu Zhihui, Sun Ke, Deng Zeru, Gu Yingfun, Lin Yunhai, Hu Qingrui, Chen Lianbo, Chen Yaozhu, Chen Rong, Guo Biao, Dai Chuanxian, Li Dazhao, Zhang Ji, Huo Zhiting, Zeng Xing, Tan Yankai, He Xiangning, Chen Gongbo, Zeng Zhongming, Ma Honghuan, Liu Jiwen, Zhu Minyi Founding speech by Sun Yat-sen October 1, 1921, Mr. Sun Yat-sen and his wife Soong Ching-ling gave the following speech at the founding ceremony of the Zhixin Private School. "As a revolutionary pioneer and writer, Mr. Zhu Zhixin made a great contribution to the Republic of China by influencing rades and people with perseverance. In each and every battle for the Republic, Mr. Zhu always marched in the frontline, braving tremendous difficulty and danger. In literature, Mr. Zhu wrote masterpieces that impressed his peers and influenced the literary culture of the country. Both a theorist and a practitioner in the subject of revolution, Mr. Zhu led the life of a brightly shining star. Last year, Mr. Zhu made the ultimate sacrifice for his country in the battle of Canton. Today, we stand here together to celebrate his life by establishing the Zhixin Private School. I hope that our future generations will follow the glorious path blazed by our pioneer, study with perseverance and diligence, reform the future society and build a magnificent Republic of China." /wiki/Zhixin_High_School

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