
nds模拟器下载  时间:2022-02-02  阅读:()


首先先设置存档格式(建议设置为512K的)然后保存就OK了 目前No$gba这个模拟器是最完美的 /sljc/200711/20071121180814.shtml 这个是最新版下载~ 著名的NDS模拟器No$gba近日发布了最新版,更新内容如下: - nds/3d: vram viewer: stable handling of old-tree messages (after new reload) - nds/bios: 80x86 bios clone supports thumb-mode irq handler (nds9/arm v5 only) - webpage: added two nds 3d viewer screenshots, and a nds-wlan-iomap screenshot - wifi/debug/cleanup: rearranged/fixed/renamed wlan registers in i/o map window - menubar: added pdroms.de (and donate.htm) hyperlinks in ic of menubar - nds/3d: vram viewer: hides the laser pointer for non-vtx/mands - nds/cheats: fixed last some bytes of action replay code 0Eh (thanks hiei) - nds/3d: vram viewer: laser outlines for polygon(s) of selected begin_vtxs - nds/3d: vram viewer: laser pointer shows cube-outlines for mand - nds/3d: vram viewer: ignores vtx_end cmd (reduces amount of tree root entries) - cpu/detail: emulates ignored writeback on ldrh rd,[rd],imm (thanks kenobi) - nds/3d: vram viewer: laser pointer for pos_mand (as for mands) - nds/3d: emulates internal vtx coordinates being overwritten by pos_test cmd - nds/3d/help: added caution on pos_test (overwrites internal vtx coordinates) - nds/3d: vram viewer: shows viewport rectangle (by red lines drawn on screen) - nds/3d: vram viewer: allows to resize tree-view vertically (y2 bottom-aligned) - nds/3d: vram viewer: laser arrow: shows corresponding numeric screen x,y,depth - nds/3d: supports 3d vs 2d alpha blending (if supported by local opengl driver) - nds/3d: temporarily halts arm9-cpu upon gxfifo-overkill (fixes main_siz error) - nds/cartloader: epts faulty homebrew logo crc (warning if other than CF56h) - nds/debug: vram viewer fixed crash in guess-tile-usage for 2D tile screens - nds/video: aligned empty_vram (crashed unallocated text scroll) (thanks m m) - nds/3d/debug/speedup: setredraw=0 when reloading 3d viewer tree (thanks peter) - gba/nds/video/speedup: precalculates eva/evb/evy parameters per scanline   这次的更新主要对图形的3D模拟进行了修正,喜欢用PC体验NDS游戏的玩家可以测试一下


推荐使用现在最新的NDS模拟器NO$GBA2.5C版,已经解决很多游戏问题,模拟速度也提高了 官方页 .asp 执行NO$GBA.EXE后,选择NDS游戏ROM,假如模拟器支持此游戏的话,就可以出现nds的双屏游戏画面,下屏为触摸屏。模拟器兼容性很好,目前大部分游戏都能运行。但运行速度都会延援



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