
剪客  时间:2021-12-06  阅读:()




因此长微博转换工具出现 了,就是说可以将超过140的文字转换成图片,最多支持1万字,转换后的中文字清晰。


“长微博转换工具” 如果是新浪的话,进入新浪博客界面,在右边就有长微博的选项,操作就是了! ----------- 用户可以将要转换的文字复制到输入框中,然后点击转换为图片,在新弹出的页面中会有转换好的图片,用户只要将图片另存到自己电脑中,就可以发布到各大微博中了,比如新浪、腾讯、网易、搜狐。

最新的长微博功能得到更大的发展,通过安装浏览器插件,用户可以在浏览网页的同时,利用鼠标选择相应需要保存或发布的内容(文字或 图片等),然后点击鼠标右键,选择“生成长微博”,即可完成长微博的发布,例如“剪客”[1]就可以实现从网页上读取HTML代码中的模块信息,用户可以选中任意模块,并一键自动拼接成图片,发送到微博上。

翻一下 用英语

I have been away from home for many years, this time decided to return south. Sing Zongjiu, panion returned home. Feelings of home color. "Truthfulness east side, always flowered in spring." March spring Budwiser, everything fullest recovery. Peach Blossom Spring laugh, including places rain. Green is the Willow is still fresh with the DPRK smoke. 1 mountains, beside the road covered with bright red flowers want beautiful eyes, green grass can not horseshoe. Several Oriole in the green willow tweet merrily, his party fly egret catch-me eager for the sky with panion. Shuiguang glittering, blue skies. Floating in the lake a few goose green water, blue wave dial with Anthurium play. When the es really good, nourishing all things. Gradually fell with the night breeze, rain late to acute drinking alone no one to talk, Nowata no both hands. Relative out of both sides of Castle Peak, from where I do not know where to go. "Why is Fangfei to break, is pleasant shade of summer woods," e to the hot summer, cicadas singing tail in the drink dews, frog in green lotus leaves in the cool shade, reflect on the lotus in the sunshine more bright red . Nothing else to do, to walk around the mountain to see wild water, but not people, to find that between Castle Peak in the bottom. How Spare Melancholy all dash? Ichikawa o, take away sadness. Flowers have been late, falling a brilliant, an isolated city. Wandering alone, one person in the world do not know how long to go. Aoyama is still there, How Many Suns. Dreams where the dream in the distance, silently forward. "The Candle Autumn cold black and white, light Luo fan flutter fireflies" Who says fall is the Autumn. Trapa natans Autumn short period of Dutch cluster, see the gull dance again, Southern beauty appeared. Days Pik, to have yellow leaves of autumn connected Bibo, the spin waves from Cuise the Han Yan, Traveling Miles, lonely geese in the air, swirling around to find the panion. Quiet beauty of autumn leaves have fallen from the trees, so that new life before you start. Rice said floral harvest, autumn is the harvest season, people in large golden hard return after the harvest, and enjoy it all. Look west to the Yellow Crane does not return, and clouds still walk before you run a lengthy. "Who plains million heap of snow, cut-off for this groaning old" has been to the winter, cold weather, the catkins dancing, Arcadia 10000 Pear Tree opened. Broken Bridge side, snow for whiteness of the plum blossom, Ling Han alone open evening alone worry, braving wind and rain, afraid of cold. Do not want to spring bonus Liulv Kwan Fong fight, just a man in the white world to reveal subtle fragrance, go to Kwan Fong jealous. Although spring is around the corner will be milled to dust, subtle fragrance as before, change of position Jiang bonuses and fire and signs such as blue-green river ... ... Changing the position of a splendid world. I see colors, all the way, nice view, the ubiquitous color, how intoxicating


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