GIS、人工智能、模糊数学在自然地理研究中的应用 GIS, Artificial Intelligence Techniques and Fuzzy Logic Concepts in Physical Geography开课编号:S070501ZY009 所属学科: 地理学 学时/学分:20/1
This course focuses the application of GIS, artificial intelligence (A.I.) techniques and fuzzy logic concepts in solving physical geography problems. The discussion will be centered around the problem of detailed inventory of natural resources and natural hazards. The course will first present the need for detailed inventory of natural resources and susceptibility to hazards. It will highlight the challenges facing conventional approaches for conducting this type of inventory. It then presents how modern spatial information processing theory and techniques helps to e these challenges. The specific cases used in this course are soil resource inventory and landslide susceptibility mapping. The techniques to be discussed include: digital terrain analysis, personal construct-based knowledge acquisition, works, case-based reasoning, and noise-reduction techniques for spatial data mining. Each of the techniques will be introduced and discussed using a real application. Attendants will also gain a hand-on experience of using some of the techniques. Software and real world data set will be provided.
Kelly, G.A., 1955, The Psychology of Personal Constructs (New York: Norton).
Kelly, G.A., 1970, A brief introduction to personal construct theory. In Perspectives in Personal Construct Theory, edited by D. Bannister (London: Academic Press), pp. 1-29.
Kolodner, J. 1993. Case-Based Reasoning. an Kaufmann Publishers, San Mateo, CA.
Masters, Timothy, 1993. Practical Neural Network Recipes in C++, Academic Press, pp. 77-116.
Miller, H. J., and J. Han, 2001, Geographic data mining and knowledge discovery: an overview. In Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, edited by H. J. Miller and J. Han, (New York, NY: Taylor & Francis), pp. 3-32.
Qi, F. and A.X. Zhu, 2003. Knowledge discovery from soil maps using inductive learning, International Journal of Geographic Information Science, In press.
Shi, X., A.X. Zhu, J.E. Burt, F. Qi, and D. Simonson, 2003. A case-based reasoning approach to fuzzy soil mapping. Soil Science Society of America Journal, In press.
Zhu, A.X., 1999. A personal construct-based knowledge acquisition process for natural resource mapping using GIS. International Journal of Geographic Information Science, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 119-141.
Zhu, A.X., 2000. Mapping soil landscape as spatial continua: the work approach. Water Resources Research, 36, 663-677.
A.X. Zhu, B. Hudson, J. E. Burt, and K. Lubich, 2001. “Soil mapping using GIS, expert knowledge and fuzzy logic”, Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 65, pp. 1463-1472.
A.X. Zhu and D.S, 2001. Mackay. “Effects of spatial detail of soil information on watershed modeling”, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 248, pp. 54-77.
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