的人九年级英语全册 unit 6 lesson 36 making plays is fun学案(新版)冀教版

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Unit6Lesson 36Making Plays Is Fun

知识点解析New words

1. ____________n.女演员 pl .__________


最佳女演员________ __________ _________


2. Today wefinished ourtwo—daystudy of movies and plays.今天我们完成了我们两周的关于电影和戏剧的学习。

3. Two—week 两周的 为复合形容词用作定语修饰名词


Therewi l l be_______ _________________sports meeting in our city.


It’s about________ ________________walk from my home to school .=

It’s about______________walk from my home to school .

4.We seldomthinkabout the people who work behind the scence.



____________,a) I__________ __________have lunch at home.

我很少在家吃午饭。b) I__________ _________late for school .



5. Their movie made the whole class laugh.




6.Writing, creating ,directing and acting in our own show was an experience we wi l l neverfo rg et.


Experience n.经历经验v.经历体验a)This is my first experience of l iving with my grandparents.b)We have much experience of doing that.c)Theold man has experienced a lot of difficulties.


Theywi l l put on a new play.

It’s real ly cold.Please put on your coat.

8  talented adj.有才能的

Be talented in有做某事的天赋

Mary is talented in___________(play) the viol in.talent n.天才天资有天赋的人

She has a talent for music.他有音乐天赋。

She is a newdivingtalent.




1 . I have a friend_________Li Ming.

A.cal l B. names C. name D.cal led

2.The__________school hasa meeting once a week.

A.al l .Bwhole C.a D.an

3.Where are wegoing,dad’has been popular since itwas_________.

A.put onB.putup C. put in .D.putoff

4.---Do you l ike seeing a movie on yourmobi le phone?

------No. I__________do that because it makes me uncomfortable.

A.seldom B.oftenC. usual ly.D.sometimes

5.As John did agoodjob in this competition, his boss promised hima____________hol iday.

A. two week.B. two-week C. two-weeks D. two weeks

6.Danny,were you involved_________making a movie last term.

A.by B. in C.onD.with

7.Mum is_________at her son Danny because hedrove away her carwithout permission.

A. happy B.slow C.mad D.quiet

8.The boyfinished his homeworkquickly_________play computer games.

A.so that B. in order that C. in order to D.as a resultof

9.My mother boughtme a nice present. I couldn’twait__________it.

A. to open B.opening C. to opening D.open


1 . I have a friend_________Li Ming.

A.cal l B. names C. name D.cal led

2.The__________school hasa meeting once a week.

A.al l .Bwhole C.a D.an

3.Where are wegoing,dad’has been popular since itwas_________.

A.put on B.putup C. put in .D.putoff

4.---Do you l ike seeing a movie on yourmobi le phone?

------No. I__________do that because it makes me uncomfortable.

A.seldom B.often C. usual ly. D.sometimes

5.As John did agoodjob in this competition, his boss promised hima____________hol iday.

A. two week.B. two-week C. two-weeksD. two weeks


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