socket error 10054双击游戏 出来 Socket Error # 10054 Connection reset by peer 是怎么回事啊???

socket error 10054  时间:2022-02-27  阅读:()

双击游戏 出来 Socket Error # 10054 Connection reset by peer 是怎么回事啊???

: /qk-smtp-server/socket-error-10054.html Socket error (#10054): Connection reset by peer. Analyse & Solutions: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. This normally results if the peer application on the remote host is suddenly ped, the host is rebooted, the host or work interface is disabled, or the remote host uses a hard close (see setsockopt for more information on the SO_LINGER option on the remote socket). This error may also result if a connection was broken due to keep-alive activity detecting a failure while one or more operations are in progress. Operations that were in progress fail with WSAENETRESET. Subsequent operations fail with WSAECONNRESET. : /qk-smtp-server/socket-error-10054.html Socket error (#10054): Connection reset by peer. Analyse & Solutions: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. This normally results if the peer application on the remote host is suddenly ped, the host is rebooted, the host or work interface is disabled, or the remote host uses a hard close (see setsockopt for more information on the SO_LINGER option on the remote socket). This error may also result if a connection was broken due to keep-alive activity detecting a failure while one or more operations are in progress. Operations that were in progress fail with WSAENETRESET. Subsequent operations fail with WSAECONNRESET. 可能电脑上面的邮件服务程序或者邮件收发程序(例如outlook)请自己查查。

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