adjustmentadjustment cost是什么意思

adjustment  时间:2021-07-28  阅读:()

adjustment factor是什么意思

adjustment factor 调整因子 adjustment factor [英][??d??stm?nt ?f?kt?][美][??d??stm?nt ?f?kt?] 调整因素; 例句: 1.If the cost of purchasing the options in "the strategy" exceed the amount which "thestrategy" has to notionally purchase such options, the notional amount on theoptions will be scaled down by a factor, known as position adjustment factor. 如果《策略》中的购买项目的总金额超过了《策略》规定的名义采购项目的总金额,就要将项目的名义总额乘以一个比例缩减因数,该因数被称为“情况调整因数”。

adjustment credit是什么意思

adjustment credit [英][??d??stm?nt ?kredit][美][??d??stm?nt ?kr?d?t] <美>调整信贷; 例句: 1. If a credit cooperative has any short-term funds difficulty, it may solve theproblem through the adjustment of currency market; a rural creditcooperative may be given the short-term funds support by its openingagricultural bank. 信用合作社出现短期资金困难的,可以通过货币市场调剂解决;农村信用合作社也可以由其开户的农业银行给予短期资金支持。

2. The risk of a disorderly adjustment of global economic imbalances hasincreased after the turmoil in credit markets, rodrigo rato, managing directorof the international ary fund, said yesterday. 国际货币基金组织(imf)总裁罗德里戈拉托(rodrigo rato)昨日表示,信贷市场危机过后,全球经济失衡无序调整的风险已经上升。


adjustment 英 [??d??stm?nt] 美 [??d??stm?nt] n.调解,调整; 调节器; 调解,调停; (赔偿损失的)清算 调整;调节;适应;校正 复数: adjustments 双语例句 1. The dynamic of the market demands constant change and adjustment. 市场要有活力,需要不断地改变和调整。

2. Investment is up by 5.7% after adjustment for inflation. 针对通货膨胀作出调整之后投资上升了5.7%。

3. Sometimes happiness is just a matter of attitude adjustment.--Susan Gale 有时候,幸福只需转变一下自己的态度。

4. The arrangement of light industry in the province needs adjustment. 那个省的轻工业布局需要调整. 5. They should make adjustment to the new environment. 他们应进行调整以适应新环境.

adjustment cost是什么意思

adjustment cost [英][??d??stm?nt k?st][美][??d??stm?nt k?st] 理算费用; 例句: 1. Static costs can be divided into static preparation costs, the cost of implementationand adjustment costs. The dynamic costs includes friction costs, psychologicalcost, follow-up costs and social costs. 静态成本可分为准备成本、实施成本和调整成本;而动态成本则包括摩擦成本、心理成本、社会成本和后续成本。

2. Drive the process to eliminate waste in the value chain through adjustmentstrategy, total cost management, quality operating systems, cost tables etc. 通过调整策略,总成本管理,质量操作系统,成本表来推动消除浪费的活动。

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