phpcms缓存使用总结(memcached、eaccelerator、 shm) Use summaryof phpcms (memcached, eaccelerator, SHM cache) A template compilation cache
Reference files include/globalfuncphp andinclude/templatefuncphp
The principle of template cache is simple if the template isfirst compiled directly compile it, if not the first is tocompile the template file ($tplfile) and template cache file($compiledtplfile) modify time if the template cache filemodification time is greater than the compiled template fileis compiled template or not compile the template to improve theprogram' s execution efficiency
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Code is as follows:
Function template ($module = phpcms $template = index){
G lobal $CONFI G;
$compiledtplf ile =
If ($CONFIG[templaterefresh] )
$tplfile =
PHPCMS_ROOT/t emp lat es/$CONFIG[defaul ttempl ate]/$module/$t emplatehtml;
If (! File_exists ($compiledtplfile) | | @f ilemtime ($tplfile) >@filemtime ($compiledtplf ile))
Require_once PHPCMS_ROOT/inc lude/templatefuncphp;
Template_refresh ($tplfile $compiledtplfile) ;
Return $compiledtplfile;
B generates static cache files in a dynamic page
Similar to the caching principle of C, the name of the filegenerated here is relatively fixed
Take the question bar module as an example
This directory contains indexphp files in the current directoryto determine whether there is a file called index_cachehtml if
there is no failure period directly to include this file orPrivate Const SMART_Iwww.qushu6.comNVALID_BUFFER As dynamicLong =4 "Bad buffer (null invalid addr. . ) read after the datasaved as index_cachehtml file for the next use.
Content in file indexphp
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Code is as follows:
Require_once /include/commonincphp;
$lastedittime = @filemtime (index_cachehtml) ;
$lastedittime = $PHP_TIME$lastedittime;
$autoupdatetime = intval ($MOD[autoupdate] ) ;
//$MOD[autoupdate] comes from cache filedata/cache/wenba_settingphp
If (file_exists (index_cachehtml) & &
Echo "include cache file"";
Include index_cachehtml;
Echo "read dynamic page"";
How to judge whether the file is invalid, the filedata/cache/wenba_settingphp has the following settings, wherethe value of the field AutoUpdate is the file failure time unitis seconds, in the background can be set
The file wenba_settingphp is going to come from it are installedautomatically when the various modules of the data saved to thedatabase installation generated when the cache data in theinclude/commonincphp cache_all function can also generatebackground cache settings when cache will be automaticallyupdated
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Code is as follows:
Return array
Higth_score = >
Anybody_score = >
Answer_give_credit = >
Vote_give_credit = >
Highscore = >
Vote_give_actor</p> <p> </p>=>white-collar workers <p> </p><p> won the imperial wizard generals </p> <p> vagabondAutoUpdate = >
Name = > a s k.
Moduledir = > Wenba
Moduledomain = >
Linkurl = > /opensource/phpcms_sp_gbk/phpcms/wenba/
) ;
Update module setup function
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Code is as follows:if ($is _ js) $happy = a _ js ($content) ;if ($phpcache config [] = =& & $cachefiledir&& amp; $cachefile)
_ ($cachefiledir dir. ) ;give _ _ contents ($cachefile was $content) ; / /在这儿生成一个html格式的文件当下次以同样的url访问时会直接读取缓存了参见include /commonincphp中的代码这儿的代码是非常非常精典的大家好好借鉴好好模仿吧the chmod ($cachefile) .
/ *
向浏览器发送http header跟浏览器说此页面不缓存还告诉浏览器页面的最后修改时间
第一次访问jsphp? id =时向浏览器发送http header第二次或以
后再访问此url时由于上次已经生成了缓存所以在include /commonincphp中直接调用缓存文件了直到缓存失效后再次执行此处的动态代码此处发送的header控制缓存是相对于浏览器来说的而通过file was _ contents生成的缓存是相对于电脑硬盘来说的是不一样的_.
* /header (expires: thu jul: gmt) .header (lastmodified: gmdate (d m y h: i: s) gmt) .header (cachecontrol: nocache mustrevalidate) .header (pragma: nocache) .echo $contents.
$$$$$$$上面的phpcache函数中的全局变量cachef iledircachefile是从哪里来的呢从这儿来的
文件include / commonincphp中的内容
代码如下.if ( ! defined in _ admin)
{if ($$[dbiscache config) _ file = _ db cache.if ($phpcache config [] = =)
$$$$$$$cachef ileid = r (p _ self? php_ $querystring.phpcms _ cachefi ledir = $root / data / phpcache / substr($cachefileid) .
$$$$$$$$cachefiledir cachefile cachefileidhtml.
/ / / / / / / / (cachefile: $cachefile ";if f ile exists ($cachefile _) & amp; & amp; (p _ time < @filemtime ($cachefile) + $phpcacheexpires config [] )
{this cachefile $;exit.
}if (p _ querystring & amp; & amp; preg match (_ ^ (*) (htm |
html | shtm | shtml) $$$"or _ querystring urlvar)
_str, str_and par se (array (/) array (& = $url var [] ) .}
下面是include / commonincphp中的几行代码
- $db _ _ class = db = $db (database) $_ conf ig config; / /[database]位于conf i gincphp中配置可以使用自己的数据库如mysqlsqlitesqlserver等.this _ phpcms root / include / $db _ fileclassphp.
$$$$$$$db db = new _ class.
$$$$$$$"> connect db config config dbhost] [] [] dbuser dbpwconf ig config config [dbname] $[pconnect]) .
$$$$$$$"> iscache = db config dbiscache] ; / /是否启用sqlcache (只对前台起作用建议在不生成html并且访问量过大时开启)
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