亚特兰大2012年美国亚特兰大物料搬运和物流展览会(Atlanta material handling and logistics exhibition 2012)

美国亚特兰大  时间:2021-03-21  阅读:()

2012年美国亚特兰大物料搬运和物流展览会Atlanta materialhandling and logistics exhibition 2012

Atlanta material handling and logistics exhibition 2012Exhibition period: February 2012, 6-9, exhibition venue:Atlanta, Georgia, Georgia World Conference Center

China regional designated agency: Guangzhou Yi Yi ExhibitionCo. , Ltd.

Logistics Exhibition: Hu Guo, 02062209, 254

13725261, 367

Market background

The American materials handling industry association,established in 1945, is the most influential material handlingindustry association in the United States and North America.It has 18 professional product associations and a total of morethan 800 member companies. Subordinate branch includes:American Manufacturers Association, the United States electrichoist crane manufacturers association, the American

Association of America, automatic access system of monorailManufacturers Association, association of America, the UnitedStates shelf storage equipment manufacturers manufacturersassociation of America, automatic guided vehicle system willand the conveyor products association.

The American materials handling industry association,

strategically located in Atlanta, aims to take full advantageof the region' s geographical advantages because it is evolvinginto a transportation hub linking the nation' s supply chain:Now, more than 40%of American manufacturing and distributionindustry is located inAtlantacitywithinaradiusof 500miles,which makes the southeast region become one of the strongestindustrial market; supply chain experts said, with thecompletion of the Panama Canal in 2014 expansion, at presentthrough the west coast of the total commodity imports of 25%will be transferred to import from the east coast; theassociation of thought this will be the supply chain a majorreshuffle opportunity for exhibitors and visitors is also afull use of the new power market.

In the past few years, the United States held the materialhandling industry association exhibition, in the quantity andquality of exhibitors andvisitors have been steadily improving,and for manufacturing, distribution and supply chain providesa rich solution. The Atlanta logistics exhibition hasstimulated the growth of the southeast market and is a perfectcomplement to the Chicago exhibition.

Exhibition introduction

2012 Atlanta material handling and logistics exhibitionorganized by the material handling industry association, willbe held on February 20126-9 in Atlanta GeorgiaWorld ConferenceCenter, this exhibition will be 2012 America largestmanufacturing, distribution and supply chain solutionsexhibition. The aimof the exhibition is toprovide supply chain

efficiency solutions, learning opportunities and informationthrough the presentation of products and services from morethan 500 well-known enterprises. The localization of Chicagoand material handling exhibition are similar, and materialhandling and logistics characteristics, and the slogan is"solution" to promote the development of supply chain, whichmeans that it will cover additional services, educationtechnology, more diversified display, in order to serve theentire logistics supply chain.

In order to find their own solutions to exhibitors, theexhibition area is divided into three different solutions:manufacturing and assembly solutions, implementation anddelivery of solutions and information technology (IT)solutions. During the exhibition will be held at the same timea large-scale education conference, including manufacturing,distribution and improve the efficiency of the entire supplychain visibility and highly specialized workshops, seminarsand keynote speech, focus on the exchange of content is theequipment and the latest system innovation and application, aswell as major manufacturing and supply chain issues with thetrend of. In this way, participants can learn aboutmanufacturing, distribution and supply chain solutions througheducational meetings, and then field trips to equipment,systems, and services that can implement these solutions.According to the material handling industry association isexpected, is expected to have from the United States, Canada,Mexico and more than 80 other countries around the world ofmanufacturing, distribution and supply chain professionals inthe field to attend this exhibition, to improve the efficiency,

transparency and lower cost solutions for their manufacturingand supply chain business. With a net floor area of 14 thousandsquare meters, there will be more than 500 exhibitors fromindustry, business and government to demonstrate their ownsupply chain efficiency solutions.

The organizers also seek to provide more, educational, andonline value to the audience by expanding their cooperationwith other industrial groups.


Material handling equipment and systems: automatic storage andretrieval system, automatic guided vehicle system, fuel system,caster/wheel / tire, hydraulic and electrical components andcontrol, robot, manned / trucks, forkl ifts, shelves, storagebattery, f lexible manufacturing system, Dan Yuanban system,transport conveyor and sorting equipment, man-machineengineering with safety equipment, fork lift platform, picking,rotary rack storage, combined drawer type storage, sustainablesolutions, tools, facilities and materials handling steelworkstation.

Packaging, containers and transport equipment: packaging andpackaging boxes, marking machines, packaging machinery,packaging film, weighing or scanning products, trays, wirecages, plastics and financial containers, stacking equipment.The inventory management and control technology of computer,control equipment, software, system integrators,manufacturing execution system, warehouse management system,

supply chain and logistics system, and implementation ofwireless remote control system, order management system,enterprise resource planning and transportation managementsystem.

Wharf and warehouse equipment and supplies: Wharf adjustmentboard, dock pad, door, forklift, shelf, floor, handling system,forklift clamp, conveyor, crane, crane, monorail car, hook,sling. Consultants and distribution systems Planners:simulation, modeling, system design, distribution consultants,reverse logistics, and third party logistics.

Automatic identification equipment and systems: barcodes,coding machines and scanners, visual systems, voicerecognition systems, radio frequency identification (RFID)systems, systems integrators.

Supply chain management: alternative fuel systems, packagemanagement and distribution, reverse logistics, third partylogistics, sustainable infrastructure and supply chainsolutions, supply chain and logistics execution system,enterprise resource planning and transportation managementsystem, inventory security services.

Welcome enterprises and individuals to sign up for or join thet our

Exhibitors please contact:

Chinese mainland delegation agency/Guangzhou Yi Yi ExhibitionCo. , ltd. :

Address: Room Seven, G6 building, 2702 Green Street, TianheDistrict, Guangdong, Guangzhou, China

Contact: Hu Guo 020-62209254 13725261367

Email: boyixiaohu (at) gmail.com MSN:qingtianx@hotmail.comURL: www.gzboyi. com.cn

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