下行ubuntu14.10安装oracle11g(安装Oracle11g Ubuntu14.10)

ubuntu14.10  时间:2021-03-10  阅读:()

ubuntu14. 10安装oracle11g 安装Oracle11g Ubuntu14. 10Bothered for a week, and finally got it out.

Although the number of online tutorials, but most of them area word or two interception, plus individual installation ofdifferent circumstances, many places still need to resolveNow record, to keep their own files, by the way for the needsof the reference

If you haven't installed the Ubuntu system, or you feel yourUbuntu system version is low, if you want to change it, pleaseset the swap partition (SWAP) larger (minimum 4G) at the timeof partitioning

Otherwise, when you install Oracle as a pre condition check,he will indicate that the exchange space is not enough, andOracle requires swap to be at least 3.69G

*oracle installation premise: ensure that the machine has beeninstalled JDK

Ubuntu Linux defaults to its own OpenJdk, and gives it to thesuper cow, and the terminal type:

$sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre

$sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk

(ps: because I am not familiar, for Ubuntu to install their ownfrom the official website of JDK 1. 7_u60 for Linux so then the

machine has two JDK, but did not conflict, too. )

AfterJDKfinished, you can go to the terminal to see the versioni nformat ion:

Java -version

Let' s get down to business and install oracle:

1. update system: (this step I did not do, 14.04 is the latestversion of the Ubuntu system, system services are almost newerversion, plus their own manual secure a bunch of DEB packages)Sudo apt-get update

Sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

*2. installation relies on packages, a very important stepLook at your software source, because in most cases you wantto add source address on it, so use GEDIT instead of catSudo GEDIT /etc/apt/sources. list

So you can open your existing source list. (notice sources, nots ource)

In order to successfully install 32 bit compatible packageia32-libs, you need to add these lines in the source (and somepeople say that the g++-multilib is loaded without ia32-libs,I haven't tried) :

Deb http://extras.ubuntu. com/ubuntu trusty main

Deb-src http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty main

Deb http://archive.ubuntu. com/ubuntu/ raring main restricteduniverse multiverse

Save the source file after updating.

Here you can use the super cow force to carry out theinstallation of dependent packages, the following should beinstalled, otherwise the back of the graphical interfaceinstallation will be wrong on the way, careful one by one check,terminal type:

Sudo apt-get install bzip2

Sudo apt-get install elfutils

Sudo apt-get install automake

Sudo apt-get install autotools-dev

Sudo apt-get install binutils

Sudo apt-get install Expat

Sudo apt-get install gawk

Sudo apt-get install GCC

Sudo apt-get install gcc-multilibSudo apt-get install g++-multilibSudo apt-get install ia32-libs

Sudo apt-get install Ksh

Sudo apt-get install less

Sudo apt-get install lesstif2

Sudo apt-get install lesstif2-devSudo apt-get install lib32z1

Sudo apt-get install libaio1

Sudo apt-get install libaio-devSudo apt-get install libc6-dev

Sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386Sudo apt-get install libc6-i386Sudo apt-get install libelf-devSudo apt-get install libltdl-dev

Sudo apt-get install libmotif4

Sudo apt-get install libodbcinstq4-1 libodbcinstq4-1:i386Sudo apt-get install libpth-dev

Sudo apt-get install libpthread-stubs0sudo apt-get install libpthread-stubs0-devsudo apt-get install libstdc++ 5sudo apt-get install LSB Cxxsudo apt-get install使sudo apt-get install OpenSSH服务器sudo apt-get install pdkshsudo apt-get install rlwrapsudo apt-get install转sudo apt-get install SYSSTATsudo apt-get install unixODBCsudo apt-get install unixODBC devsudo apt-get install解压

sudo apt-get install X11应用sudo apt-get install zlibc

* 3。检查系统变量

/sbin sysctl - | grep SEM

/sbin sysctl - | grep SHM

/sbin sysctl - | grep文件最大

/sbin sysctl - | grep AIO最大

/sbin sysctl - | grep ip_local_port_range

/sbin sysctl - | grep rmem_default

/sbin sysctl - | grep rmem_max

/sbin sysctl - | grep wmem_default

/sbin sysctl - | grep wmem_max

然后根据上面命令中得到的参数值在/ etc / sysctl conf中增加对应数据上面查完以后用笔记一下吧sudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf

把sysctl conf中的以下内容用查得的值填上

f s.a i o-max-nr =f s.f i le-max =kernel. shmall =kerne l. shmmax =kerne l. shmmni =kernel. sem =net. ipv4. ip_local_port_range =net. core.rmem_default =

net. core.rmem_max =

net. core.wmem_default =

net. core.wmem_max =

运行一下命令更新内核参数sysctl –P

4。添加对当前用户的内核限制在/etc/security/limits.conflimits. conf文件中增加以下数据XXX为你当前用户名XXX软nproc 2047

XXX硬nproc 16384

XXX软nofile 1024

XXX硬nofile 65536


5。检查/ etc /聚丙烯酰胺。 D /登录增加以下行有了就不用增加了

会议要求pam_limit s. so

检查/ etc / D /苏没有以下行就自己加上PAM

会议要求pam_limit s. so

6。 Oracle默认不支持Ubuntu需要欺骗一下Oracle安装程序看不懂没关系按着做就行了我也不懂mkdir / usr / lib64


在S / lib / x86_64-linux-gnu / libgcc_s。所以。 1 / lib64 /LN的/usr/bi n/v i awk /斌/ awk

LN的/usr/bin/vi basename /斌/ basename

LN的/usr/bin /转/斌/转

LN的/usr/lib x86_64-linux-gnu/ libc_nonshared。 /usr/ lib64/

LN的/usr/lib x86_64-linux-gnu / libpthread_nonshared。 / usr/ lib64 /

LN的/usr/lib x86_64-linux-gnu/ libstdc++。所以。 6 / lib64 /LN的/usr/lib x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++。所以。6/usr/lib64/

回声的Red Hat Linux 5发布′ > / etc/redhat-release

7。配置Oracle的环境变量sudo gedit ~ /。简介


# Oracl e


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