Although attributes bel ong to a particular eleme nt, they are not con sidered chi ld no des of element no des. In stead, they behave more l ike properties of IXMLDOMEIeme nt.
Most of the methods for work ing with attributes come from IXMLDOMEleme nt.Attributes can bemani pulated in the fol lowi ng ways.
Directly, through the getAttribute and setAttribute methods of IXMLDOMEleme nt.
As named IXMLDOMAttribute nodes,with getAttributeNode and setAttributeNode.
As a set of no des accessible through the attributes property and retur ned as an
IXMLNamedNodeM ap.
The fol low ing JScript example creates a new docume nt containing a<mem o>eleme nt,and the n creates an attribute n amed author with a value of "Pat Colema n".
代码如下var xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocume nt.3.0");var rootEleme nt=xmlDoc.createEleme nt("memo");rootEleme nt.setAttribute("author", "Pat Colema n");xmlDoc.appe ndChi ld(rootEleme nt);
Set xmlDoc=CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocume nt.3.0")
Set rootEleme nt=xmlDoc.createEleme nt("memo")rootEleme nt.setAttribute("author", "Pat Colema n")xmlDoc.appe ndChi ld(rootEleme nt)
If you prefer to work with attribute no des,you can create the attribute,and the n create a textnode to store its value.Attribute no des can only contain text no des and en tity reference no des. (If youn eed to create an attribute containing an en tity reference,you must use this approach.)
Worki ng with attribute no des requires using the DOMDocume nt object to create attribute andtext (a nd en tity referen ce, if n ecessary)no des before assig ning the no des to the eleme nt.
The fol lowi ng JScript code uses this approach to perform the same work as the precedi ngexamples,creating a<memo>element with an author attribute holding the value"Pat Colema n".
代码如下var xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocume nt.3.0");var rootEleme nt=xmlDoc.createEleme nt("memo");var memoAttribute=xmlDoc.createAttribute("author");var memoAttributeText=xmlDoc.createTextNode("Pat Colema n");memoAttribute.appe ndChi ld(memoAttributeText);rootEleme nt.setAttributeNode(memoAttribute);xmlDoc.appe ndChi ld(rootEleme nt);
Set xmlDoc=CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocume nt.3.0")
Set rootEleme nt=xmlDoc.createEleme nt("memo")
Set memoAttribute=xmlDoc.createAttribute("author")
Set memoAttributeText=xmlDoc.createTextNode("Pat Colema n")memoAttribute.appendChi ld(memoAttributeText) rootEleme nt.setAttributeNode(memoAttribute)xmlDoc.appendChi ld(rootEleme nt)
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