在linux里设置永久环境变量的方法Method for settingpermanent environment variables in Linux
Method for setting environment variables in Linux
In general, when you configure cross compile tool chains, youneed to specify the path of the build tool, which you need toset the environment variable. For example, my mips-linux-gcccompiler, in the /opt/au1200_rm/build_tools/bin directory,build_tools is my compilation tool, and there are three waysto set up environment variables:
1, use the export command directly:
#export PATH=$PATH:/opt/au1200_rm/build_tools/bin
Check to see if it is set up and check with the command export:[root@localhost bin]# export
Declare -x BASH_ENV= "/root/.bashrc""
Decl are -x G_BROKEN_FI LENAMES= "1""
Declare -x HISTSIZE= "1000""
Declare -x HOME= "/root""
Declare -x HOSTNAME= "localhost. localdomain""
Declare -x INPUTRC= "/etc/inputrc""
Declare -x LANG= "zh_CN.GB18030""
D ec l are -x LANGUAGE= "zh_CN.GB 18030:zh_CN.GB2312:zh_CN""
Declare -x LESSOPEN= "|/usr/bin/lesspipe. sh%s""
Declare -x LOGNAME= "root""
Declare-x LS_COLORS=no=00:f i=00:di=01 "; 34:ln=01 ; 36:pi=40;
33:so=01; 35:bd=40; 33; 01 :cd=40; 01:or=01; 33; 05; 37; 05; 37;
41:mi=01; 41:ex=01; 32:*. cmd=01 ; 32:*.exe=01; 32:*. com=01 ;
32:*.btm=01; 32:*.bat=01; 32:*. sh=01 ; 32:*.csh= 01;
32:*.tar=01; 31:*.tgz=01; 31 :*.arj=01; 31:*.taz=01;
31:*. lzh=01; 31:*.zip=01; 31 :*. z=01; 31 :*.Z=01; 31:*.gz=01;
31:*.bz2=01; 31:*.bz=01; 31:*.tz=01; 31 :*.rpm=01 ;
31:*.cpio=01; 31 :*. jpg=01 ; 35:*.gif=01; 35:*.bmp=01 ;
35:*.xbm=01; 35:*.Xpm=01; 35:*.png=01; 35:*.t if=01; 35"Declare -x MAIL= "/var/spool/mail/root""
Declare -x OLDPWD= "/opt/au1200_rm/build_tools""
Declare -x PATH=
Declare -x PWD= "/opt/au1200_rm/build_tools/bin""
Declare -x SHELL= "/bin/bash""
Declare -x SHLVL= "1""
Declare -x SSH_ASKPASS=
Declare -x SSH_AUTH_SOCK= "/tmp/ssh-XX3LKWhz/agent.4242""Declare -x SSH_CLIENT= "10.3.37. 152 223622""
Declare -x SSH_CONNECTION= "10.3. 37. 152 2236 10. 3.37. 186 22""
Declare -x SSH_TTY= "/dev/pts/2""
Declare -x TERM= "Linux""
Declare -x USER= "root""
Declare -x USERNAME= "root""
As you can see, the environment variables are set, and the PATHalready has the path of the compiler I want to add.
2, modify the profile file:
#vi /etc/profile
Join in it:
Export PATH= "$PATH:/opt/au1200_rm/build_tools/bin""
3. modify the.Bashrc file:
# VI /root/.bashrc
Join in it:
Export PATH= "$PATH:/opt/au1200_rm/build_tools/bin""
The latter two methods generally needtobere writtento effectthe system and can be tested by the echo command at last:# ec ho $PATH
Take a look at the output, which is already had /my_new_paththis path?.
"/ bin" 、 "/ sbin" 、 "/ usr / bin" 、 "/ usr / sbin" 、 "/usr / local / bin"等路径已经在系统环境变量中了,如果可执行文件在这几个标准位置,在终端命令行输入该软件可执行文件的文件名和参数(如果需要参数) , 回车即可.
如果不在标准位置,文件名前面需要加上完整的路径.不过每次都这样跑就太麻烦了,一个"一劳永逸"的办法是把这个路径加入环境变量.命令"path = $path:路径"可以把这个路径加入环境变量,但是退出这个命令行就失效了.要想永久生效,需要把这行添加到环境变量文件里.有两个文件可选: "/ etc / profile"和用户主目录下的".bash_ profile ' , ' / etc / profile"对系统里所有用户
都有效,用户主目录下的".bash只对这个用户有效_ profile"."path = $path:路径1:路径2: :路径n",意思是可执行文件的路径包括原先设定的路径,也包括从"路径1"到"路径n的所有路径.当用户输入一个一串字符并按回车后, shell会依次在这些路径里找对应的可执行文件并交给系统核心执行.那个" $"path"表示原先设定的路径仍然有效,注意不要漏掉.某些软件可能还有"path"以外类型的环境变量需要添加,但方法与此相同,并且也需要注意"
注意,与dos /window不同, un ix类系统环境变量中路径名用冒号分隔,不是分号.另外,软件越装越多,环境变量越添越多, 为了避免造成混乱,建议所有语句都添加在文件结尾,按软件的安装顺序添加.
格式如下() :
#软件名-版本号path = $path: : : :路径n路径1路径2. . .
其他环境变量= $其他环境变量: . . .
在"profile"和".bash中_profile", "#"是注释符号, 写在这里除了视觉分隔外没有任何效果.
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