域名解析花生壳(动态域名解析软件)(Peanut shell (dynamic domain name resolution software))

花生壳域名  时间:2020-12-29  阅读:()

花生壳(动态域名解析软件) Peanut shell (dynamic domain name resolution software) 

Toll module

Im component

SMS component

Workflow form handwritten signature component

USB user KEY

Dynamic password card

Access reporting component

Education management component

Free component

Edit the NTKO Office document online

RTX instant messenger client access OA plugin

D i scuz! Forum!

Access to MySQL database management

Access to the OA base optional component package

PhpMyAdmin database management

Access instant messaging component

Function Brief

And access to OA software, to achieve instant messaging, file transfer (support to send offline files) , send pictures and screenshots, group communications and other functions. Access instant messaging server has been built in the OA system,providing 30 users free trial, you need to cooperate with the access OA wizard client.


The standard version of the service and upgrade costs 2000 yuan (including 100 user license, such as the actual number of users is less than 100, the price remains unchanged) , the standard version such as the need to increase the number of users, only for 50 times, 50 users every 1000 yuan, with 3 years of service and upgrade. Unlimited user version service and upgrade fee of 20000 yuan, providing life-long service and upgrades.Sales Hotline


Technical support

See access to the OA technical support list

Related downloads

Access OA wizard automatically update the server configuration instructions

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Access to OA SMS components


Mastery shineford

Function Brief

Cooperate with OA software to realize the sending and receiving of SMS, including SMS server software and SMS cat hardware equi pment.


4980 yuan

Sales Hotline


Technical support

See access to the OA technical support list

Related downloads

Access to the OA Wireless Applications Guide.Doc

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Workflow form; handwritten signature component


Mastery shineford and Beijing poly point information technology Co. Ltd. cooperation development

Function Brief

In the process of accessing OA workflow, the handwritten signature on the form and the electronic seal are supported by the signature component, and the pressure sensitive handwriting board is supported.

The component has been approved by the Ministry of public security and the military information security product certification.


15000 yuan (authorized by the unit, not limited to points)Sales Hotline


Technical support

See access to the OA technical support list

Related downloads

Access OA software has built-in signature component trial version, you can try the built-in sample workflow: intelligent form function test.

About the making of seals: at present, the system has been used directly in the control system, and directly to the database,you can no longer use the following tools for making seals, see:system management - seal management.

Seal making tool

Handwritten signature qualification certificate

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USB user KEY components


Mastery shineford

Function Brief

Support the use of KEY hardware verification USB user login,

provide a secure login system similar online banking U shield,even if the password leaks, still can guarantee the user identity has been unable to use, information security product sales license, the Ministry of public security, the National Certification Commission for the certification of commercial cipher code products sales license.

The client control can be installed automatically when using this function again. If you cannot install online, you can download the USB user KEY client control to install the package independently.

Hardware, if there is quality problems, one year replacement.Price

Buy 1-10: 160 yuan /

Buy 11-50: 140 yuan /

Buy more than 50: 120 yuan /

Sales Hotline


Technical support

See access to the OA technical support list

Related downloads

The USB user KEY client control installs the package.Exe independently (for 2011 enhancements and previous releases)USB user KEY components usage instructions and safety qualification certificates.Rar

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Dynamic cipher card


Mastery shineford and Shenzhen cooperation in the development of communication on the sea

Function Brief

Dynamic password card for supporting hardware equipment, used for OA authentication login, similar China Bank net dynamic password scheme, even if the password leaks, still can guarantee the user identity can not use the Ministry of public security has been certified.

The device does not need to be connected to the computer, and the client does not need to install controls and drivers, and OA2009 and later can support this solution.

Hardware, if there is quality problems, one year replacement.Price

Buy 1-10: 160 yuan /

Buy 11-50: 140 yuan /

Buy more than 50: 120 yuan /

Sales Hotline


Technical support

Dynamic password card technology support website

Return directory

Access reporting component


Mastery shineford report development group

Function Brief

Is a complete set of reporting solution, it sets the table drawing, report condition setting, automatic report generation,report auditing, report summary and report analysis in one,abundant function, simple operation, perfect integration with the OA system, is an ideal tool for enterprise remote report management, auxiliary enterprise decision-making and control


The 2009 editionhas built-in report components that do not need to be installed separately


See access reporting special website

Sales Hotline


Technical support

Access reporting special website http://www.tongda2000. com/report

Return directory

Education management component


Access to the central research and Development Center (single point technology) development

Function Brief

The educational management system is a very important part in the digital campus construction, access to OA education


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