
服务器翻译  时间:2021-05-06  阅读:()


With the wide range of applications, dynamic web technologies emerged. ASP (Active Server Page) is a server-side scripting environment, can be used to create and run dynamic Web pages or Web applications. is not just a version of ASP, it is a universal language based on procedural framework, a Web server can be used to build powerful Web applications. Blog (Blog) is work as a carrier, easy quickly and easily publish their ideas, timely and effective municate easily with others, and then set a variety of customized display in one integrated platform. Blog is more than a one-way distribution system, it has very munication capabilities, the information of public and private bination. Through the blog, users can express themselves on the articles written and other users ics mon interest municate. Personal blog system is the application of ASP technology development and implementation of dynamic web page, the background data used to manage XML database. The system has user registration, browsing and publishing blog posts ments, the article category management, blog link management, search and Bowen set management, users can be registered after the published articles in the blog ments. This personal blog system on the overall analysis, clearly the feasibility of the system and user needs; ording to the Principle of Modular, planning the design of the system function modules; in database design part, detailing the structure of database and database integrity, security measures; programming is object-oriented programming using design thinking, systematic procedures for design ideas, on the front and back-office functions of the program realization are discussed in detail; system testing part of a detailed analysis of testing the main issues arising in the process, and proposed solutions to achieve system functionality. Finally, the system as an objective,prehensive evaluation, and mendations for further improvement.


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