时间管理101招-月光博客Time management 101 strokes -
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Time management 101 strokes
The green, may my heart, but for the sake of you, he hasAdvanced skills training in time management
At home or at work, everyone has to control his time to someextent. The order in which you do things has a profound effecton how much you can benefit from your life. Most people are ableto schedule their time so that work is especially effective andleisure time is more substantial. Now, here are 101 Tips on howto manage your time effectively. It contains rich and practicaladvice, and 101 concise tips provide further valuable guidance.Start by examining how you usually manage your time, then turnyour attention to where you need to improve, and then tell youhow to use quick and easy ways to improve. Improved content fromhow to process documents to how to use a highly effective meansof communication. It also teaches you how to use your knowledgeto help others control your time more effectively.
Understanding time
Time is our most precious resource. By analyzing the use of ourtime, it is possible to master the most effective methods oftime use within and outside the workplace.
1. daily review, urgent need priority.
2. , for a tricky task, start with a small part and deal withit immediately.
3. consider the schedule of the day and use the appropriatemethod of work.
The 4. is not worth to do, send subordinates.
5. work days zero to zero, every 30 minutes.
6. review the schedule and evaluate the efficiency.
7. leave some time for reflection while you plan your schedule.
8. forecast work to see if it is accurate.
9. , always keep an agenda, but memory is not reliable.Work out a plan
If you don' t know the direction of tomorrow, you won' t be ableto decide what you're going to do today. Any way to improve timecontrol depends on a clear understanding of the goals.
10. , long-term planning for the action plan for the week andday.
11. draw your resume and plan what to do next.
12. several tasks as sequence, another way to find the secondscheme.
13. coordinate the difference between your priorities and yoursupervisor' s schedule.
14. , we should promptly find out the contradiction with thecolleagues in the arrangement of work.
15. classify all the work in the log according to importance.
16. if your worksheet is full of a class a task, entrust someoneelse to do it or re classify it.
17. change priorities according to changes in situation and newi nformat ion.
18. the discussion should be brief and avoid questions withoutconclusions.
19. give yourself a quiet time every day.
20. don't worry that the telephone isn' t ready.
21. keep track of your physical, mental, and peak times and howlong they will last.
22. save some energy for recreation after family life and work.
23. , the company is recommended to work flexible hours toimprove work eff iciency.
24. pick a log that looks beautiful and desirable.
25. always put a pen in your journal, keep the information anddate at any time.
26. use color pens to mark the different importance of tasks.
27. make sure that the deadlines are realistic and that thedeadline is for you to accomplish the task rather than to createtension.
28. delegate the work, whether you like it or not.
29. , after the completion of the work on time, should be selfr eward.
30. make plans on the log, not one year ahead.
31. make sure that you do at least one thing that will pleaseyou every day.
32. the last thing in the evening, read your favorite author' sarticle.
34. use PDA to list your weaknesses, and then plan to overcomeone by one.
No 35. things on the desk cleaned away, only to work now in hand.Make immediate changes
Here is the actual work to be done, whether it is to clean up
the desk and keep it clean, or make the computer within thedocument classification clear, can be in the short or long termto improve your work efficiency.
36. pay attention to the notice and stick to the note. Be carefulto lose it.
37. clean up every day. Don' t leave the mess till tomorrow.
38. the key points in the document Z should be marked so as tospeed up the reading.
39. there is a clock in the office Z that you and guests cansee.
40. check the file system every few months.
41. establish a file system,
It will develop with you and your business.
42. check your disk regularly and discard files that are nolonger needed.
The filewill bemore difficult toclassifythe 43. unified intoa folder labeled "other" label.
44. save the important files that will be referenced in thefuture.
45. call you first by a secretary or a colleague.
46. pick up the receiver and signal that the meeting is over.
47. if someone walks into the office with Z, don' t sit down.
48. if the door is open Z, your seat should not be placed inthe view of others.
49. throw away all the information you don't think you need.
50. use every opportunity to stand Z as far as possible so thatyou can leave at any time.
51. copy information for those who need to know.
52. stop subscribing to magazines you don' t read anymore.
53. take away the newspaper you want to save and save it forreference.
On the desk 54. leaving only the most important books.
55. evaluate the relevance of each information to what is beingdone.
56. before you interrupt someone, think of their time asvaluable as your time.
57. , when other options do not work, consider meeting.
58. don't make random guesses about your colleagues.
59. take a relaxing, deep breath before you call.
60. avoid distractions while you're on the phone andconcentrate on what the other person is saying.
61. while you're on the phone, put another job at hand in caseyou're waiting.
62. tell others when they can call you.
63. in order to avoid interruption, you can change a telephoneline.
640 million don' t pull back the material you want to write -it will pile up more and more.
65. draw key sentences on the reports you have to read.
66. read the headlines quickly.
67. separate important reference materials from otherdocuments.
68. clean your computer once a month, without documentation.
69. think carefully about your computer configuration.
70. make sure your email is brief and the address is accurate.
71. encourage others to express their opinions even if their
views are contrary to yours.
72. hear much, speak little, and make the meeting brief.
73. if the daily routine exceeds one hour, ask a colleague tointerrupt it urgently.
74. allocate a certain amount of time to each topic on theagenda.
75. encourage people to participate only in the relevant partsof the meeting.
76. write down the meeting' s passage on the memorandum of themeeting.
77. travel before the assessment of the trip is necessary, themoney spent is worth it.
78. , if possible, insert everything you need into a smallsuitcase, Z.
79. take some work in the terminal building Z, in case the planedelays.
80. place the watch according to the local time of thedestination.
81. check the hotel charges for the phone before you call.
82. check whether your electronic equipment needs adapters when
you use it abroad.
83. , arrange two to three short holidays each year, not one inthe end.
84. , set aside a little time to pursue hobbies and enjoy thefun of relaxation.
85. try to do something new every day
Dominate other people' s time
In order to schedule your time well, you must also control thetime of your staff, colleagues and subordinates. To authorizeor consignor for them to work, young to share the task ofmastering the art of getting along the lower.
86. to maintain high expectations, people will put theirefforts into practice.
87. when you persuade others, use facts instead of feelings.
88. what do you care about?.
89. listening and listening are different. Learn to listen.
90. , when you delegate the task to others, make sure you putyour purpose quite clearly.
91. , take the time to do what you can do alone.
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