搭建google企业邮箱全攻略Build Google enterprise email
Build Google enterprise email Raiders
Google' s Enterprise Suite is charged, but the great Google isfree for companies under 50 people. So you only need a domainname, and even don' t need a server, you can enjoy the Gmailquality corporate mail free through the Google enterprisesuite.
1, have a domain name of your own.
First of all, you need to have a domain name, if not recommendedto apply for www.godaddy. com or name.com, if English is not good,go to name. com, godaddy.com relative to some trouble, but thesupport of Alipay, name. com only supports the domestic creditc ar d.
For example, my domain name is www.huoku.com
2, the MX address of your domain name is resolved to the Googleserver
Please login to your registered domain name management website,such as name. com, godaddy.com, www.net. cn and so on.
For domain names registered abroad, it is recommended that youmodify DNS server and use www.dnspod.com domain name resolution.Of course, you can use it directly if you like. If you're inthe nets or the new network, can also modify the dnsserver to
domain name resolution function used in dnspod. Because thedomestic domain name management function is too weak, such asnetwork DNS, there are restrictions on address resolution undera domain name, very inconvenient.
Dnspod. com domain name resolution is currently free, noregistration as soon as possible. The domestic routes have beenspecially optimized.
If you want to change DNS website, and want to avoid becauseof the domain name in the parsing process cannot access events,still suggest that you can do so, after 3 pm to do this thing,you avoid mistakes influence domain access:
* Please register DNSPod' s account first and add your domainname. Enter all the parsing under the domain name. After an houror so (in fact, most of the time DNSPod parsing is instantaneous,but for insurance, you are still advised to wait 1 hours)
* because you did not change dnsserver to the DNSPod server,the domain name resolution of the DNSPod configured above isinvalid. Nowyou can login to your domain name registration site,modify DNS server, but do not move any domain name resolutioninformation. In general, the maximum dnsserver change is 24hours, but a lot of minutes, especially in foreign websites.
* after modification, you can ignore it. When dnsserver iscompleted in sync with the root server in the United States,you will find that the DNSPod domain name resolution that youconfigured in the first step has become effective. Users don'teven feel you've changed dns.
* if your domain name access is okay, it' s completely normal.Please add the following DNS domain name resolutionrecord (thefollowing domain name resolution is possible, Google at anytime modified, so please follow the registration Googleenterprise service prompt)
Host record, record type, record value, priority TTL
After submitting the above data,
Make sure there are no mistakes. Priority, if some sites do notsupport 1, 5, 10, you just follow the order in which they arethe size.
3 can now apply to Google' s free address.
Enter your domain name and follow the prompts to enable theGoogle enterprise suite. Remember to choose Hongkong insteadof the mainland.
4, verify your domain name and prove that you have your domainname. The two method, Google, will provide you to validate itby adding a MX special record. Suggest so.
The method is to add the MX record, the host name:googlefffggghhh12345 (your unique string, sign up after theregistration, the validation page will tell you) , and therecord value: google.com
5, realize mail.huoku. com point to your enterprise mailbox.General method: add CNAME record, record value, this ismail.huoku.com, record value is ghs.google.com.
Since the great motherland has sealed up the ghs.google.com,so if you don' t have a server, that' s not valid. Can only beresolved as follows:
To add a a record, the host name is mail.huoku.com, and therecord value is your host IP address.
If you understand the technology, you can do the mail.huoku.comaccess jump on your server and jump tomail.google.com/a/huoku.com. Huoku.com is your own domainn ame.
If you don't and you don't have your own server, you can nowaccess your business email at least viamai l.googl e.com/a/youdomain.
You can enjoy the Gmail quality of enterprise mail, and you canalso collect other Gmail mail through this mailbox.
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